What I Learned in Kindergarten the Second Time Around

I haven’t posted in awhile.  Our family was plagued with multiple illnesses over the last 6 weeks, and with both parents juggling careers, our household has gone through some moments of chaos, exhaustion and well…ugliness (But as my son would readily remind me, we’ve had lots of opportunities to use the “life skill of flexibility”). […]

The Valentine’s Ninja

I have a conflicted relationship with Valentine’s Day. Growing up, I always associated valentines and chocolate hearts with my birthday, which is two days after Valentine’s Day. (I suppose it was harder to get excited about President’s Day.) On the other hand, I have an allergy to overpriced flowers and dinners and a day that […]

Kindergarten Wisdom

We’re only a few weeks into the school year, but I already realize we won the lottery with our son’s teacher this year.   There are so many lovely anecdotes my son has brought home that illustrate what a gem she is.  But there’s one in particular that I noticed from the first day I dropped […]