The Middle

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Reflections inspired by a recent milestone birthday.

“The middle is messy but it’s also where the magic happens.” -Brené Brown

My belly is soft, but my heart is full.
My mind is scattered, sometimes forgetful, but focused.
I care less about what people think.
In fact, I care less about a lot of things.
And a lot more about a few.
There’s more weight. But there’s more lightness. More joy.
It often feels like a paradox.
This living in the middle.

There’s both struggle and ease.
A foot in both places.
I’m becoming older ( and wiser?) while experiencing the wonders of childhood again.
It feel like I’m growing both older and younger at the same time.
I’m growing more into myself.
Life seems bigger and smaller.

This lovely space in the middle, where I can see behind me and in front of me.

I feel tougher, stronger, but also more open and exposed.
Little moment catch me off-guard.
Tears come more easily. But so do smiles and laughter.
Life feels precious.
The magic of the middle.

4 thoughts on “The Middle

  1. Beautifully stated, middle child living in the middle! It’s a good place to be. And life gets even better later.
    —Love from your middle-child aunt who is about 25 years past the middle

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